Many of us see prepping as essential but never start because it appears to be incredibly expensive. Reality TV makes this lifestyle seem like one for the deep pockets, keeping us from starting. Nothing could be further from the truth. Most everyday preppers don't have bunkers or secluded bugout locations equipped with gear and a 3-year supply of food. Prepping is something that everyone can and should do to help their family in times of chaos.
1. Learn and grow skills
We live in a world where knowledge is highly accessible. You can learn almost anything from your phone. The library is still 100% free. Make yourself more valuable to the world and your family by learning a new language, CPR, basic first aid, or canning tomatoes. What edible plants grow in your neighborhood? How will you get fresh water if the tap runs dry? Building skills like these will be better than gold if you ever need them.
2. Preserve information Information is indispensable, and if the grid goes down, you'll need to have it somewhere other than the internet to look for it. In a notebook, write down critical numbers, your fire escape plan, health information, alternative routes out of your city, and even where the nearest freshwater source is. In a dire situation where stress is high, you'll want an easy spot to access this knowledge when Alexa takes a sick day.
The American Red Cross Provides a FREE printable on their website for starting your own disaster preparedness notebook, Check it out here.
3. Physical fitness and health
It doesn't cost a penny to take a walk or go for a run. Push-ups, squats, and even sit-ups are free. Being physically fit will be a best-held asset during a catastrophe.
4. Grow food from free plants and seeds
It is 100% free to start a garden if you know where to look. In the spring, get connected with a buy-nothing group or buy-sell-trade group and ask for gardening supplies, seeds, and plants that others are ready to split. You would be surprised what others can't wait to part with for free. Growing your food is an essential skill for preppers to learn, and no, you don't need to grow 90% of your food to be more self-reliant. Starting a raspberry patch or growing some corn is the perfect way to start.
5. Refill jars and containers with emergency water, food, and supplies
Water is essential. You can't go more than three days without it! If you run out of bleach, refill the jug, label it for cleaning or flushing toilets, and store it under your sink. Refill glass jars and keep them for cooking and drinking. Water is life. Store it! Glass provides bug and rodent protection for your food too. If you have issues with mice, and even if you don't, consider storing your prepper pantry supplies in glass or other rodent-proof containers. If you happened to buy some flour with bugs in it (yes, this happens), you'll be happy to trap them in a jar rather than letting them roam free to infest the rest of your pantry. Mason jars are easy to find. Ask neighbors and friends if they have any glass jars to spare. Chances are, you'll get way more than you need.
6. Shop your own house
The best prepping items are the ones that you already own. For example, an old backpack can be used as a bugout bag (A bag ready for emergency evacuation from your home) filled with warm clothing, a few snacks, and a flashlight from your garage. Is it the best bag on the market? No, but you've begun prepping, and that's what's important here! Next, you find a few candles, some matches, an extra warm blanket, and an old camp stove in your basement. Bam! You've started a blackout kit. Put these items in a box, label it as a blackout kit and store it where you'll know where to find it when the lights go out. Over time or as finances allow, you can improve your kits and make them more complete.
7. Clean your house and take inventory
I'm sorry if you came here for fun tips on being a budget prepper but tidying up can't be overlooked. This point here is more focused on clutter. Not only is it an eyesore and creates a lot of stress, but it's also dangerous! Clutter is a fire hazard and a tripping hazard. The benefits to list on minimalism are long but rarely does anyone talk about the link to safety. When your home is out of order, in a time of need, you'll have no way to find critical documents, fire extinguishers, first aid supplies, and the list goes on—knowing what you have and where it's at is necessary when it comes to being a prepper. It will save you a lot of money too. A lot of people see prepping as hoarding, but when you talk to most preppers, they are organized (to a degree) and intentional with what they own.
After reading this, you will find it evident that one can begin prepping for free! I hope this post was a source of inspiration for you to get started in the prepping world. Do you have any free prepping ideas that you'd like to share? If so, please tell us in the comments so that others might be inspired. If you enjoyed this post, please show us a little love and click the heart! Thanks for reading!
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